Seminar "The Skills of a Translator in the Third Millennium"

Seminar "The Skills of a Translator in the Third Millennium" Seminar "The Skills of a Translator in the Third Millennium" Our university welcomed Andreza Pavani and Giulia Criscillo of the Urbino-based translation agency EuroTrad, which has been providing translation, localization and interpreting services in hundreds of languages since 1995. During this [...]

Artificial Intelligence for Translation

Artificial Intelligence for Translation Artificial Intelligence for Translation Translators and interpreters will not be replaced by artificial intelligence, but they will be replaced by translators and interpreters using artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence is advancing in all fields, but in translation it has actually been present for many years. The first forms of [...]

SSML Palermo Open Day

Open Day SSML Palermo Open Day SSML Palermo In recent weeks, we have opened the doors of our university to welcome students from all over Sicily. That's right, our open day: a day in which we try to introduce our world to the new generations, in which professors and students share their passion for [...]

Together 2023 ELIA Event - European Language Industry Association

Together 2023 ELIA - European Language Industry Association Event Together 2023 ELIA - European Language Industry Association On February 23 and 24, the ninth edition of the "Together 2023" event organized by Elia (European Language Industry Association) was held at the Barceló Aran Mantegna hotel in Rome. Students in the second year of the master's program have [...]

Seminar event "Studying and working with the Chinese language"

Seminar Event "Studying and Working with the Chinese Language" Seminar Event "Studying and Working with the Chinese Language": an immersion in Chinese language, culture and economy On January 19, 2023, the seminar event entitled "Studying and Working with the Chinese Language" was held at the Aula Magna of SSML Palermo on January 19, 2023, which [...]

Language Mediation and Digital Communication

Language Mediation and Digital Communication #2 Language Mediation and Digital Communication Increasingly, companies are talking about digital communication and how it is closely related to languages. But what do we mean when we talk about digital communication? It is the set of all activities of content production and dissemination through the use of digital technologies [...]