Seminar event "Studying and working with the Chinese language"

Seminar event "Studying and Working with Chinese Language": an immersion in Chinese language, culture and economy

On Jan. 19, 2023, the seminar event titled "Studying and Working with Chinese Language" was held at the Aula Magna of SSML Palermo, with Xichun Wang, president of the Overseas Chinese Association of Palermo, as guest speaker and Cristiana Girolimetto and Xinji Nie, lecturers of Chinese language and translation at our SSML, as speakers.

The meeting opened with a short presentation given in Chinese and Italian by two female students from the first year of the master's degree program. The young students from the bachelor's and master's degree programs had the opportunity to learn and learn more about the fundamentals of the Chinese language thanks to the intervention of Professor Girolimetto, who actively involved the students with pronunciation exercises of the main Chinese phonemes. Professor Nie, on the other hand, dealt with the cultural and economic aspects of China, referring especially to the importance that Chinese has now assumed in the market and in international relations.

The various speeches also highlighted what is the figure of the language mediator, considered an essential figure in the Chinese market today who, to quote Professor Nie, "acts as a bridge between the two cultures, the Italian and the Chinese."

Language proficiency is thus connected to the world of work, which is increasingly broadening its horizons, involving the language mediator.

Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici in Palermo offers three-year degree programs in Language Mediation for Marketing and Digital Communication and Language Mediation for Business and Institutions, also in Chinese, with the aim of training professionals with technical skills that can be used in the world of work. Master's degree programs in Specialist Translation and Interpreting for Business and Inst itutions and Language and Translation for Digital Communication, also in Chinese, are also available for all those who wish to acquire additional knowledge and skills.

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